Tuesday 23 December 2014

Daily Thoughts -- Parenting

Hi Y'all 

Yesterday I was searching some thoughts on   Parenting  as my neighbor bumped in and said that her best friend had delivered 'Twin sons' last week .It was normal delivery and she wanted make her young friend stress free and so she requested   me to find out some useful tips for her young friend who had now become a mother of two

While I was browsing I found out some interesting facts on net for Young moms or for Moms -to -be which I gave it to my neighbor and I  am also going to share it Here on my blog with  Y'all as it might be useful  for you 

  1.  Don't Panic when you are put in new situation /role

2. Don't feel tired /Depression with the baby's moods swings 

3. Love the children as they are the  gift of god

4. Don't think child is  an additional responsible or a burden but ITS a new being of your life so enjoy your new role

5.Don't be anxious or fearful  when you get special children (affected by some disability ) as it is learning in itself as it teaches to be patient  and level headed
6. Spiritual Parenting

7. Enjoy being with Toddler
  I hope you will enjoy reading my thoughts on parenting .
Why I have selected this topic because today's  youth in common does not want go into this  roller coaster ride as they busy making progress in career as this would hamper their  future career prospects . 

I  firmly believe life becomes beautiful after child- birth  as its a reflection of your own childhood

With lots of Hugs and Love 

Writer Gal

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