Sunday 24 May 2015

At First Sight


At First Sight,
I see him alight me,

I feel love at first sight having a cuppa of tea.

At First Sight,
His lips touches my stomach,
My minds revolves in a mirth.

At First Sight,
My hands goes head to pull him back to the bed,
As my hands wide open  embraces him making go red.
At First Sight,
He pulls me into him kissing me mindlessly he looks at me tenderly,.
Making me feels mushy about his kisses that are  so dear.

At First Sight,
We enjoy each others warmth,
That makes people see with earth.

At First Sight
I gasp his name 'Avinash,
My heart clasp in his Nasha,
My minds feels like it is in mid of some Tamasha.

At First Sight,
He laugh at me with lots of mischief playing in his eyes,
Mocking in frustration my hands go out in search for some mango slice.

At First Sight,
He disappears from the my sight into vast ocean,
My heart yearns for you Roshan,
My soul spits a trunk full of emotion.
And when I come near you I feel my heart would burst in exasperation.
For you left me and your darling daughter's without any explanation.

It was at first sight I gave up my soul for you but it is not last sight for loving you like the way do did then with me .My love for you is forever until I breath my last.

Disclaimer: I wrote this  keeping my best friend's love story in my mind .Which is apt for this prompt powered by

With lots Love and Hugs

Writer Gal

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderfully expressed piece of poetry based on the prompt. Great job!


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